Thursday, November 17, 2011

Broga Hills

Venue: Broga Hills Semenyih 

Date: 26th November 2011 (Saturday)
Time to gather:  Option I - 5am at UGL office
                         Option II- 6am at Broga Hill

Transport:          Own transport or car pool
Inclusive:            Breakfast provided
Caring tips:         Please bring your sun block, caps, torch light, water etc.

Before the hike to Broga, may be we must know something about it... 

Broga takes its name from the River Broga which runs through the area. The name Broga is believed to be derived from Buragas, a mythical beast that lives in the forest. Contrary to its name appeared, Broga is in fact a quite peaceful location. Sometime it also been referred to Bukit Lalang. 

Broga Hill is not tough to hike and it takes roughly 30 minutes to reach the first lookout point. There are about 3-4 of them, each with slightly different view and the further you go, the higher it is, obviously. Mosquito is a nuisance there, so it’s good to be prepared with insect repellant. Although the hike is short, you may be surprised with the amazing view, which looks as if you are quite high above sea level.


  1. OPTION III - Wait at 'kaki bukit' for lunch.
    ....I'll choose this option. :P

  2. OPTION IV - Sleep at home, wonderful weekend!
